The Future is Female Scholarship Program

The future is female scholarship is a program set up by TRUE & CO, with the sole aim of sponsoring females by granting them scholarships worth $3,000 and also giving them $300 of True&Co. Brand product. In this article, I will explain more information about this program and also drop the method of applying.
About The Future is Female Scholarship Program
TRUE & CO is the sponsor of the Future is Female Scholarship Program, they founded this with the aim of helping the female to be brave and be able to generate ideas without relying on anybody.
The sum of the scholarship is worth $3000. the worth is not limited to that alone, an applicant who wins the scholarship will be given $300 worth of True&Co. Brand product.
Level/Field of Study
The scholarship is available to college students as well as students at the university level in any discipline.
Eligibility Nationality
The applicant must be an American citizen and reside within the US. He/She must have completed the college of his choice and have at least a 3.0 GPA score or higher.
Host Nationality
The Future is Female Scholarship Program is programmed to be taken in the US.
How Much Is the Future Is Female Scholarship Worth?
The worth of the future is female scholarship program for 2022 is $3,000.00. Applicants that meet the requirement are entitled to receive the money and subordinate gift.
Deadline for the Future Is Female Scholarship Program 2022
The end date for the submission of the Future Is Female Scholarship Program 2022 is June 29, 2022, while the winner will be announced on July 15th, 2022.
How to apply for the Future Is Female Scholarship
to apply for the scholarship, kindly visit the site below to learn more and submit your application.
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