[12:37PM, 3/11/2017] Summy: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Juwairiyyah sat there, lost in thoughts. How could yousuf betray her in such a way?. He has always been her figure of admiration, her love, the one she was hoping to live the rest of her life with……Dammit! Everything is a history yanxu.
She turned and glanced at the wall clock hanging on the wall in her room….2:38pm. She has been sitting in her room alone lost in thoughts for the past 3hrs without praying or even thinking about having lunch.
She stood up slowly and walked to the bathroom to perform an ablution. After finishing the prayer, she sat there again deep in thoughts without even knowing the moment her mum came into the room.
Hajiya raliya stood at the door way looking at her daughter who is lost in deep thoughts. Something is wrong with juwairiyyah, but juwairiyyah didn’t wanna open up her problems to her.
She walked into the room a parted juwairiyyah lightly on her shoulders. Juwairiyyah turned slightly and caught the glimpse of her mum. She immediately gave her a big and warm smile trying to conceal her worries.
“Angel, what is wrong with you? This is not my juwairiyyah, my juwairiyyah is full of love and action. Always wanting to be with mw or her dad. But this juwairiyyah am seeing is a changed juwairiyyah. For the past 3dayz you have not been thesame. Am your mum angel, open up to me please and tell me whats wrong”. Her mum ended her speech sounding troubled.
Juwairiyyah couldn’t stop the tears gushing out of her eyes, she hugged her mum so tightly and rest her head on her mum’s bosom……”Mum, what is it i lack in my appearance momma? Aren’t i beautiful? Why then should yousuf dump me when he has taught me how to love him? I hate men momma, i really hate them”. Juwairiyyah said in tears hugging her mum more tight”.
Hajiya raliya kept mute without saying a word but only petting her daughter warmly……”what happened between you two? Asked her mum.
“He said i lack respect for my elders, he can’t marry someone like me…didn’t he know all that before approaching me in the first place?” Juwairiyyah said sounding bitter.
Hajiya raliya only sighed…. This is what she has been talking about, whta she has feared for the future of her daughter.
Juwairiyyah Abbas ibraheem is her full name. Her father Alhaji Abbas is a wealthy merchant in gombe state, he hails from kebbi state. Hajiya raliya also hails from kebbi state and is a complete house-wife.
Juwairiyyah is their one and only daughter which is why she grew up pampered, arrogant, rude and don’t have the slightest respect for elders and hates the poor. She is 19yrs old girl, tall and beautiful. She is fair with big and beautiful eyes that are adorned with sexy eye lashes. Has a pointed nose, a very small and beautiful lips. Fashion is one of her hobbies.
She is a geography student in her 3rd year, attending gombe state university (GSU).
Juwairiyyah meet yousuf who is also from a rich family. He’s a law student in his final year. Juwairiyyah was madly inlove with him not knowing that he doesn’t even have the slightest feeling for her.
Hajiya Azumi who is her paternal grandma lives together with them.
Follow juwairiyyah in this enticing story and find out what her rudeness and arrogancy is gonna lead her to.
[12:37PM, 3/11/2017] Summy: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Juwairiyyah stood there, stunned, surprised at what just happend…..her juwairiyyah, slapped by a common mechanic?.
“It seems you lack self respect, a respectable girl won’t raise her hands to man, no matter what the case maybe, now miss get the hell out of mu garage!. Shouted the mechanic.
Juwairiyyah still stood there, she still can’t believe someone as dirty as him could have the guts to slap her pretty face.
“Arfaat, forgive her insolence, she’s just a girl, and you know ladies are sometimes unbearable”. Said the eldest man whose car arfaat was attending to.
“Noo!, this can’t be, i won’t let this slide so easily, you’ll pay the consequences”. Juwairiyyah shouted and left.
She couldn’t go to school, so she went back home upset and angry. Upon reaching home, she fled into her mother’s room crying and calling her name…”Momma! Momma come and see my face, look at it momma, someone has the guts to slap your beautiful daughter”. Juwairiyyah said in tears hugging her mum tight.
“I know you princess, you must have done something for that person to slap you, tell me what happened”. Said her mum………”i knew it, you never loved me as much as dad does, goodbye”. Juwairiyyah snapped at her mum finding her way out of the room.
Juwairiyyah and her parents are all seatef in the parlor, juwairiyyah looked at her dad and gave him one of her best smiles…..”dad, i need a favor to ask”. Juwairiyyah said.
“Sure princess, anything for you”. Replied her dad.
“I saw a mechanic today on my way to school, he’s talented but has a very small garage….why don’t you take him in as your company Mechanizer?.Juwairiyyah said sweetly.
“You think i should take him in princess?.
“Yea dad, pleaseeeeeee”. Juwairiyyah said.
“Its done!. Said her dad.
“Whoa! I love you dad, you the best!. I’ll take you to him tomorrow”. Said juwairiyyah hugging him.
O Allah!, what is juwairiyyah planning?. I just can’t seem to understand.
[12:37PM, 3/11/2017] Summy: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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The next day, juwairiyyah was the first to wake up, which surprised me alot! Juwairiyyah was always the last person to wake up every morning.
As usual she had her breakfast shouting and raining abuses on the innocent old woman even though she woke up happy today becauae of a plan she has in mind.
She was dressed in a sky blue Bahrain gown, rolled her head with a deep red veil and used a deep red pause and slippers….looking so wow!. Ma shaa Allah. The only problem is that upon all that beauty, juwairiyyah lacks respect for everyone.
Malam khamis parked the car near arfaat shop. Arfaat who was busy attending to costomers didn’t even notice there presences.
“Come on daughter, lets get going am almost late for work”. Said juwairiyyah’s dad.
“No paapa, I’ll wait here, just talk to him and convince him to come work for you”. Replied juwairiyyah.
“All right then”. Alhaji abbas said going out of the car.
“Salamu alaikum” Alhaji Abbas said upon reaching where Arfaat and hia customers are.
“Wa alaikas salaam, good morning sir, how may i help you?”. Arfaat responded soundly sweetly and matured.
“I only need some few minutes to talk, hope you are not busy, I’ll be fast cuz am on my way to work”. Replied Alhaji Abbas.
“Sure, something wrong sir?”. Asked arfaat.
“Not at all, i heard about how good you are in your work, juat wanted to offer you a job in my company. I buy and sell cars, exchanged damaged cars with new cars…for that i need someone as talented as you my boy”. Alhaji Abbas said.